Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tumbling After...

It has been a busy summer to say the least and I am finally finding the time to blog some more about my installation for our summer community art show Art Grows Here.

To create the larger whole house-sized installation I made several smaller works out of toys and toy parts. Some of those were were influenced by childhood stories, nursery rhymes, and fairytales. The piece below "Tumbling After" was my version of Jack and Jill. Scroll back into the archives to see it placed beside the big blue ball inside the Radio Flyer wagon, which incidentally was installed train-like riding down the "tracks" of an old antique ladder.

"Tumbling After" 20x12x6 Multi-colored wooden vintage Playskool blocks, children's metal sand pail

This piece can be hung on a wall (or in this case my jelly cupboard) or displayed on a table or shelf.

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